Cancer is one of the most common non-communicable diseases cancer probably by far is probably one of the health issues that affect everyone if it hasn't affected you personally it probably affects somebody that you care about and I think the numbers are quite staggering if you look at cancer across the board in 2020 for example, 14 million cases were diagnosed and more than 10 million people died and at this rate, the number of new cases is expected to rise by about seventy percent over the next two decades good health policy is something very helpful but there are also actions.

  • Global S
    ituation Of Cancer:

The situation now is that cancer is the largest killer in many countries especially high-income countries but the second largest killer overall in the world second to hypertension and stroke kills about 88 million people per year and there are about 14 million new cases of cancer recorded per year now and that's projected to increase by about seventy percent over the next two decades and it's something that touches each and every one of our lives either we have suffered cancers ourselves or we have family members or friends and the good news is and will speak more about that is that probably up to half of the cancers can be prevented by actions that both individuals can take but not only on their own governments and societies whole of societies have to take responsible actions too and we can talk more about that.

  • Risk factors for cancer and people can individuals to reduce their chance. 

So some of the big risk factors I mean for about a third of all cancers are the triad the harmful triad of

 Unhealthy diets


Obesity and sedentary lifestyles tobacco use

Accounts for about twenty percent of all cancers in the world and eighty percent of lung cancers

In the world and when we look at I was involved in an interesting project last year a group of experts brought together by the  Agency for research and cancer it's an Amelioration Of Human Life but has a certain degree of autonomy sits in Leo and they brought together a number of experts for us to look at at what individuals could do as well to prevent cancer but again not getting governments off the hook because we don't want to fall prey to the mantras the corrupt managers of the tobacco companies for example that say it's all about individual choice which is wrong but some of the individual they listed 12 different proof points that individuals could take action on pork 

So don't smoke or stop smoking 

It's never too late to stop and link to that make sure your home and your workplace is smoke-free 

Avoid harmful use of alcohol

or better even than that don't drink healthy eating so low salt, less saturated fats the sort of Mediterranean diets more fruits and vegetables also a more physical activity we live in a surfing web surfing television watching cable connected society and we need the fact and Amelioration Of Human Life recommends then that at least for adults we should have

At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise

Per day or 150 minutes per week and most of us aren't doing that.

                     FEW TYPES OF CANCER

Cancers are quite specific to women I'm thinking of cervical cancer here it occurs worldwide and a lot of the women who died from it happened to be in less developed countries. Indeed in women, the most common cancers are 

Breast cancer

Cervical cancer

Cancer of the uterus the entry of the others so this one is actually entirely preventable it is caused by a sexually transmitted virus the human papillomavirus and it is very common most sexually active adults will come will have this virus sooner or later but very few will develop cervix cancer now in in developed countries there are a lot of programs to prevent screen early detection early treatment so there are few women die of cervix cancer but in developing countries there are very few screening programs and treatment and globally there are still two hundred and ninety thousand women who die every year of cervix cancer which is a completely I mean it's preventable detectable treatable so we should not accept this so what can bedone what can be done a lot first of all good health education and communication so that everyone girls women but also men and boys they know that this is a sexually transmitted infection that's number one number two now we are very lucky that we have a new approach with which is a vaccine the vaccine it'scalled the HPV vaccine human papillomavirus vaccine that's the virus that's the virus so vaccine against the virus and that is most effective if you give it before you are sexually active before you you are may be infected with a virus so young girls school girls around th off 11,12,13 should be should have access to the vaccine and the bad news is that the vaccine is quite expensive but now there is kind of a global effort governments partners are putting a lot of energy and money to allow access to the vaccine also in developing countries so this is great the good news is also that before we used we need a tree injections now we are studies have shown that even with two injections of AP HPV vaccine you can protect yourself then you still need screening programs but the good news there is once you are detected in an early stage of the evolution to cervix cancer in a briefcancer stage you can have a very easy simple tree so it is all you t to give access to education vaccine but also to screening and treatment in all women in the world because it doesn't cost that much it is feasible and I'm very happy that now thanks to many efforts globally that we see that also in developing countries these efforts are increasing and more and more women and girls get access to prevention screening early treatment.


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